Unique and Rare Pineapple, One Tree With 12 Fruit of Pineapple

    Unique and Rare  Pineapple
    Indonesia has a collection of many plants unique fruits which are a type of endangered species. One of them belongs Setiyono pineapple (42) Village residents Pule, District Kandat, Kediri District, east java indonesia.

    This Unique Pineapple, is a rare species because a single tree can produce 12 pieces of pineapple as well. Typically, a lot of pineapple farmers cultivated so far only a single fruit.

    Pineapple fruit that appear the first time grew larger throughout the 40 cm by 15 cm diameter. Fruit size is also above the average normal pineapple fruit. Now the main fruit instead has started to turn yellow.

    Followed then 11 pieces of small pineapple that appears below the main pineapple. In the lower stem are also popping up another pineapple fruit which averaged in size from 10 cm to 20 cm.

    According Setiyono, pineapple fruit was originally grown in the backyard. Because of a peculiarity occurs more than one fruit, plants whose leaves jagged eventually it moved in the pot.

    Pineapple fruit was not given a chemical fertilizer but only given manure and compost. "I do not think that comes to 12 fruits and fruit size were large," quoted Setiyono to Surya.co.id, Saturday (5 / 2).

    Pineapple seedlings were obtained from an acquaintance in Bogor, West Java, a year ago.
    Source URL: https://top-celebritytattoos.blogspot.com/2011/02/unique-and-rare-pineapple-one-tree-with.html
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